Categories Container Garden

Best Soil For Container Gardening

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Best Soil For Container Gardening

When choosing what to use to fill containers, never use garden soil by itself no matter how good it looks or how well things grow in it out in the garden. When put .
When growing plants in containers or raised beds, you need to pay special attention to the soil you use. Soil taken from your yard or a garden bed is too dense to .
Most gardeners make potting soil by combining perlite or vemiculite with peat or sphagnum moss. Two other organic materials that you could add to your potting mix are leaf mold and compost, which offer a wide spectrum of nutrients.
Ask at your nursery for a mix designed for use in larger outdoor containers, or save money by blending your own vegetable container garden mix. Use equal parts of peat moss, potting soil, and vermiculite, perlite, or clean sand. Fill the containers to within an inch or two of the rim.
Find out what makes a good potting mix — and why it's better than actual garden soil for filling containers and raised beds.
Even if you have healthy garden soil, it is not a good option for your containers. Placed in a pot, garden soil compacts, leading to poor drainage and air flow .

Gallery of Best Soil For Container Gardening

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